Extension to 3D space

We initially focused on 2D vertex models of confluent cell monolayers and their applications to study the relation between the biophysical properties of single cells and the mechanics and morphogenesis of cell monolayers. We saw that a 2D vertex model can simulate the apical side of a planar tissue to study the mechanics and patterns observed in a 2D space. Moreover, we showed how modelling transverse sections of cell monolayers along the cell height using a 2D vertex model allows us to study tissue deformations that in reality take place in the 3D space, as tissue folding. Lately, we extended our 2D vertex model to the 3D space. The structure of the code and the use of C++ Templates allowed an easy transition of the model implementation from the 2D to the 3D space. A couple of use cases of the 3D space model are presented bellow.

Examples of simulations

Uniaxial compression

Confined cell proliferation

Growth of a spherical cell monolayer

Growth of a cylindrical cell monolayer